Mastiff   ::  Males | Females | Rainbow Bridge

Ch. Miller's Forget-Me-Not LouieLouieGCh. Miller's Forget-Me-Not Louie was the pick puppy from the repeat breeding of Bacchus & Jezebel, and was born on September 27, 2008. "Louie" was one of those puppies that seemed to grow very evenly while keeping the awkward growth phases to a minimum. Since he was born, Louie has been one of the most outgoing and fun-loving puppies we have ever produced! He has a very sweet and friendly disposition with all other dogs. Louie has also proven to be a natural in the show ring. After winning two previous three point majors, Louie finished with a five point major from the puppy classes in Warrenton - just before his one year birthday! We are very proud of Louie!! Louie has a beautiful head, an even topline, and impeccable movement. He continues to improve as he grows and matures. We will probably wait a year or two until he finishes growing and maturing before we campaign him as a special - but his day is coming!

- Ch. Old School's Surprise Truck
 - Ch. Old School's Junior
- Old School's The Fifth Element
 - Ch. Miller's Big Bad Bacchus
- Ch. Semper Fi Stonewall
   - Miller's Lady Godiva
- Miller's Happy-Go-Lucky Lola
 - Old School's Dudley Doolittle
- Ch. Old School's Ming the Merciless
 - Ch. Old School's Panache
 - Miller & Victory's Jezebel
- Ch. Duncan Farms Classic Cruiser
- Monlithic's Morning Has Broken
- Monolithic's Ain't Ms Behavin'

Louie Louie Louie Louie Louie Louie Louie Louie Louie Louie Louie Louie 4yrs Louie Louie Louie Louie Louie Louie 4yrs